Health Curriculum Consultation

Health Consultation

It is a requirement as part of the Education Act to consult the community every two years about the delivery of the Health Curriculum (see Section 91 of The Education and Training Act 2020). As such we would like you to review the School Health Statement and the way we implement the health curriculum at Hare Krishna School.

It is the Board’s responsibility to: resource this curriculum area, ensure professional development has been provided for the teachers, and ensure the teaching and learning programmes cover the NZ Curriculum.

We would like our parent community to either agree to the School Health Statement and the way we deliver the health curriculum or ask us to consider any suggestions for change. If there are no recommendations then no response from you is needed. The Board will consider any comments which arise from this consultation process.

After reading through the information below, we would ask you to complete the survey below.

Draft Health Education delivery statement (our aims):

Hare Krishna school implements a program of Health Education based on the New Zealand Curriculum and in keeping with the school’s charter and values of Wisdom, Respect, and Joy. Underpinning these values and the Health and Physical Education program is a holistic understanding of well-being across three areas: spiritual, mental /emotional, and physical. 

Our health education learning objectives and experiences are developmentally appropriate, and knowledge and key competency skills build on what is learned in previous years. Much of our health and spiritual education aims to help students develop a closer connection with each other in their class and school communities as they become increasingly resilient, responsible and respectful members of their community and wider society.

 Health and Physical Education in the New Zealand Curriculum

Health and physical education are one of the eight essential learning areas of The New Zealand Curriculum. Furthermore, it is a compulsory subject until the end of Year Ten.

Hare Krishna School will implement a health programme based on the NZ curriculum in the four key areas of learning of: 

  • Mental Health
  • Food & Nutrition
  • Body Care & Physical Safety
  • Sexuality education. 

*Please note, sexuality education does not mean sex education. See below for topics.

Here are some examples of how the health unit us woven into your child’s learning

Strand Years 1-6 Years 7-10
Mental Health
  • Managing big feelings
  • Respecting ourselves and others
  • Personal development
  • Social development
  • Leadearship and service
  • Managing emotions
  • Respecting ourselves and others
  • Personal development
  • Social development
  • Skills for strengthening peer and family relationships
  • Active listening
  • William Pike (Years 7 & 8)
  • Duke of Edinburgh (Year 10)
  • Leadearship and service
Food & Nutrition
  • Growing our own food
  • Healthy eating
  • Knowing where our food comes from
  • The value of a vegetarian diet for health, nutrition. and well being. 
  • Offering food to the spiritual source, Krsna.
  • Food technology (Years 7 & 8)
  • Healthy eating
  • Growing our own food
  • Knowing where our food comes from
  • The value of a vegetarian diet for health, nutrition and well being.
  • Offering food to the spiritual source, Krsna.
Body Care & Physical Safety
  • Regular PE programme
  • Yoga and mediation
  • Cyber safety
  • Sun safety 
  • Fire safety (Years 1-3)
  • Personal hygiene (Year 5 & 6)
  • Regular PE programme
  • Yoga and mediation
  • Personal hygiene
  • Growth Mindset
  • Cyber safety: cyberbullying and social media
  • Valuing health and personal fitness.
  •  Healthy decision-making &  lifestyle choices.
  • Growing up intoxicant-free
  • Personal hygiene
Sexuality education*
  • Puberty – Year 6 girls

(Menstrual cycle and hygiene)

  • Puberty

(relationships and marriage from a  vedic point of view)


The school uses a range of programmes to teach health such as:
Lion’s Quest Curriculum


Sunsmart Schools

Get Firewise

Digital Citizenship

Food technology for years 7 and 8

Zones of regulation

Life Education

Development of school gardens/units, eg planting vegetables and fruit to eat, encouragement of healthy lunchboxes and having only milk or water at school.

Be Bright, Eat Right

The Duke of Edinburgh

William Pike Challenge

Other ways the health curriculum is taught:
Through spiritual practices

Developing Key competencies

In specific science lessons e.g. how the body works

Share your opinion on our health curriculum

Please complete the survey below to share your ideas and thoughts about our draft curriculum statement & the programmes we currently draw upon to deliver this.